
Education is communication in a more complex form.  It aims to change the attitudes that cause littering.  Behavioral change is a basic premise of the New Jersey Clean Communities program.  A long-term education program will teach both residents and visitors the ramifications of littering and ways to work together to prevent litter from affecting our state.

The initial target audience for this education plan is children.  From a litter prevention viewpoint, this group has the greatest potential in terms of long-term community improvement.  Children represent our present as well as our future.  The knowledge and habits they acquire about proper waste handling will influence communities for years to come. 

In addition, children provide a communications link to a large percentage of the adult community by reaching many adults who cannot otherwise be contacted through business, government, civic or other community groups.  The secondary target is the adult community. 

A portion of your Clean Communities Grant should be used towards litter abatement education programs.

Use information and ideas provided here to adapt to your Clean Communities program.

  • Learn the lingo of litter. Start with Trash Talk this glossary of common solid waste terms.

NOAA How will you Choose Infographic