
OceanConservancyByTheNumbers2020Every municipal and county Clean Communities Program must incorporate a litter cleanup element into their program. This program may contain one or more of the following types of cleanup events:

  1. “Adopt-a-” Program (Adopt-a-Road, Adopt-a-Park, Adopt-a-Lot, etc.)
  2. Mini-Grant Program
  3. One Day Cleanup Event
  4. Alternate Labor (Inmate Cleanup)

Below are links and documents to help coordinators incorporate these programs as part of their cleanup initiatives.

Keep in mind the following tips for a successful cleanup program:

  • Enlist the help of others including youth programs, church groups, police, community development corporations, and public officials.
  • Match your cleanup location to the age and ability of your participants, i.e. do not have young children cleaning a busy road.
  • Make sure you have enough supplies (gloves, bags) for everyone.
  • Hold a short meeting before the cleanup so that everyone knows the safety rules and what is expected of them.

Volunteer in Park looking down